Thursday, May 11, 2006

Spiderman Cartoon

The first time I saw Spiderman in motion I was about 8 years old when saw the classic carton “Spiderman and his amazing friends”. I spent the night over a friends house, browsed through his movie collection, spotted it, and put it on. It was probably one of the biggest disappointments for an animated cartoon series for me back then. The opening theme was corny even for me at the time. Slow paced fighting and action and almost unbearable dialogue. I gave it credit for being a so called “classic” cartoon but to me it didn’t do justice to one of favorite marvel comic characters as a kid. Will they ever show Spiderman the way he should look? Acrobatic, fast, strong, and quick reflexes. This is what I was expecting and hoping to one day see with my own eyes.

Spiderman Cartoon 1Spiderman Cartoon
Spiderman Cartoon 2
Spiderman Cartoon
Spiderman would get his second chance in my mind to be shown in correct form when I was browsing the old classic TV channels one night. I was up real late, and should have went to sleep 5 hours ago. I was probably trying to catch another episode of “Secret Squirrel” when the masked hero suddenly popped up on the screen. I could have woke everyone up in the house with my laughter after I caught a glimpse of this show. No disrespect to the people that first tried to bring Spiderman to life, but man did this look like crap in my opinion. “This guy just throws a string around and catches villains?” I thought to myself. From the white stringed spider web to the funny mask of the costume, surely this cant be the best concepts of Spiderman they can come up with?
Spiderman Cartoon
Spiderman Cartoon 3Spiderman Cartoon 4Spiderman Cartoon5Spiderman Cartoon 6
Spiderman Cartoon 7
spiderman christmas
spiderman christmas
spiderman christmas
Spiderman Cartoon

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