Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Bugs Bunny Carrot

Bugs Bunny Carrot 1Bugs Bunny Carrot
Bugs Bunny thinks that Thanksgiving is for eating carrots. But it seems Yosamite Sam is more interested in eating rabbit. Wow. This is what Warner Bros cooked up for Thanksgiving? A clip show? Shit, we spend our hard earned cash on Marvin the Martian bendy straws and for Thanksgiving we get 5 minutes of original footage in return? For shame, WB. Where's your holiday spirit?

Bugs Bunny Carrot
Bugs Bunny Carrot 2
Bugs Bunny Carrot 3
Bugs Bunny Carrot 4
Bugs Bunny Carrot 5
Bugs Bunny Carrot 6Bugs Bunny Carrot

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